- Country Name: The United States of America
- Continent: North America
- Capital City: Washington, D.C.
- Primary Language: English
- Population: 327.2 million (2018, US Census Bureau)
- Currency: United States Dollar (USD)
- GDP: $19.39 trillion (2017, World Bank)
17 USA Facts for Kids
- The United States of America is a country on the North American continent.
- The acronym for the United States of America is USA.
- A native of the United States of America is called an American.
- The primary language spoken in the United States of America is English.
- The capital city of the United States of America is Washington, D.C.
- The United States of America is a superpower state.
- In 2018, the US Census Bureau estimated the population of the United States of America was 327.2 million.
- The national currency in the United States of America is the United States dollar (USD).
- In 2017, the World Bank estimated the GDP for the United States of America was $19.39 trillion.
- In 2018, the IMF estimated that the United States of America had the 2nd highest GDP (PPP) in the world.
- The government in the United States of America is a Federal presidential constitutional republic.
- The United States of America declared independence from Great Britain on July 4th, 1776.
- The country of the United States of America covers over 3.7 million square miles.
- The United States of America borders Canada and Mexico.
- The highest point in the United States of America is the Denali Mountain at 20,310 feet (6,190 meters).
- The largest lake in the United States of America is Lake Superior, over 22,000 square miles.
- The longest river in the United States of America is the Mississippi River, which is 2,341 miles (3,767 kilometers) long.
Find More Facts About the United States
- USA Facts – A non-profit website with non-partisan facts about the United States.
- United States @ Wikipedia – Find more USA facts for kids on the Wikipedia entry for the United States.
- USA Facts on Nat Geo Kids – Find more United States facts for kids on the National Geographic for Kids website.
- CIA World Factbook: United States – Read some interesting facts about the USA on the CIA website.