- Country Name: Sweden
- Continent: Europe
- Capital City: Stockholm
- Primary Language: Swedish
- Population: 10,302,984 (2019 Census)
- Currency: Krona (SEK)
- GDP: $538 billion USD (2017, World Bank)
18 Sweden Facts for Kids
- Sweden is a country on the European continent (Europe).
- A native or resident of Sweden is called a Swede.
- The primary language spoken in Sweden is Swedish.
- The capital city of Sweden is Stockholm.
- The population of Sweden was 10,302,984 according to a 2019 census.
- According to the estimates by the United Nations in 2019, Sweden is the 91st most populated country in the world.
- The national currency of Sweden is the Krona (SEK).
- In 2017, the World Bank estimated the GDP of Sweden was $538 billion USD.
- According to estimates by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Sweden was 39th on the list of countries with the highest GDP (PPP) in 2018.
- The government of Sweden is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy.
- The country of Sweden covers 173,860 square miles.
- Sweden is the 55th largest size country by square miles.
- Sweden is one of the largest countries on the European continent.
- Cars in Sweden are driven on the right side of the road.
- The country calling code for Sweden is +46.
- The ISO 3166 code for Sweden is SE.
- Sweden has over 95,000 lakes, around 24,000 islands and about 69% of the entire country is covered in forests.
- Sweden produces around 52% of its energy from renewable resources.
- It’s estimated that Sweden recycles 99% of the waste Swedes produce.
Find More Facts About Sweden
- Sweden – CIA World Factbook – Find more Sweden facts and information using the CIA World Factbook website.
- Sweden foir Kids – A lot of Sweden facts for kids on the National Geographic Kids website.
- Sweden – Wikipedia – Discover more cool facts about Sweden on the Wikipedia website.