- Country Name: China
- Continent: Asia
- Capital City: Beijing
- Primary Language: Standard Chinese
- Population: 1.396 billion (2017)
- Currency: Yuan – 元 (CNY)
- GDP: $13.6 trillion (2018)
17 China Facts for Kids
- China is a country in Asia.
- The primary language spoken in China is Standard Chinese.
- A native or resident of China is called Chinese.
- The capital city of China is Beijing.
- In 2017, the population of China was estimated to be 1.386 billion.
- China is the most populated country in the world.
- The national currency of China is the Yuan (CNY).
- In 2018, the World Bank estimated the GDP for China was $13.6 trillion.
- China covers 3,705,407 square miles.
- The largest city in China is Shanghai.
- The government in China is a Unitary one-party socialist republic.
- The country calling code for China is +88.
- China only has one official time zone: UTC+8 (China Standard Time).
- The date format used in China is yyyy-mm-dd, for example, 2019/02/01 would be February 1st, 2019.
- In China, cars are driven on the right side.
- Each year in China is represented by one of twelve animals.
- Chopsticks were invented in China around 5,000 years ago, and they were used for cooking, not eating food.
More Facts About China
- China – CIA World Factbook – Learn more about China via the CIA World Facebook.
- China – Wikipedia – Find more cool facts about China on the Wikipedia website.
- China – The World Bank – In depth information about China from The World Bank website.