- Country Name: Chile
- Continent: South America
- Primary Language: Spanish
- Population: 17,574,003 (2017 census)
- Currency: Peso (CLP)
- GDP: 298.231 billion (2018, World Bank)
26 Chile Facts for Kids
- Chile is a country on the continent of South America.
- The official name for Chile is the Republic of Chile.
- A native or resident of Chile is called Chilean.
- The primary language spoken in Chile is Spanish.
- The capital city of Chile is Santiago.
- The population of Chile was 17,574,003 based on a 2017 census.
- According to estimates by the United Nations in 2019, Chile was the 62nd most populated country in the world.
- The national currency of Chile is the Peso (CLP).
- In 2018, the World Bank estimated the GDP of Chile was 298.231 billion USD.
- According to estimates by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Chile was 42nd on the list of countries with the highest GDP (PPP) in 2019.
- The country of Chile covers 291,933 square miles.
- Chile is the 39th largest country by square miles.
- The largest city in Chile is Santiago.
- The highest point in Chile is the Nevado Ojos del Salado mountain, or “Snow Salty Eyes” in English at 22,616 feet.
- Nevado Ojos del Salado in Chile is the highest active volcano in the world.
- The longest river in Chile is the Loa River at 270 miles long.
- The largest lake in Chile is General Carrera Lake at 710 square miles.
- General Carrera Lake in Chile is shared with Argentina and referred to as “Lake Buenos Aires” by the Argentines.
- The government of Chile is a unitary presidential constitutional republic.
- Chile is divided into 56 provinces over 16 regions.
- Drivers in Chile drive on the right side of the road.
- The country calling code for Chile is +56.
- The ISO 3166 code for Chile is CL.
- The national anthem of Chile is “Himno Nacional de Chile” or “National Anthem of Chile” in English.
- The motto of Chile is “Por la razón o la fuerza” or “By Right or Might” in English.
- In Chile, about 68% of the population believes in Christianity.
Find More Facts About Chile
- Chile – CIA World Factbook – Want to read more on Chile? Head over to the CIA World Factbook.
- Chile – The World Bank – World Bank, reliable source for GDP information on Chile and other countries.
- Chile – Wikipedia – Discover more facts on Chile on Wikipedia.