- Country Name: Panama
- Continent: North America
- Primary Language: Spanish
- Population: 3,405,813 (2010 Census)
- Currency: Baiboa (PAB)
- GDP: 65.055 billion (2018, World Bank)
24 Panama Facts for Kids
- Panama is a country on the North American continent.
- The official name for Panama is the Republic of Panama.
- A native or resident of Panama is called a Panamanian.
- The primary language spoken in Panama is Spanish.
- The capital city of Panama is Panama City.
- The population of Panama is 3,405,813 according to a 2010 census.
- According to estimates by the United Nations in 2019, Panama was the 128th most populated country in the world.
- Panama has a population of an estimated 65% Mestizo ethnicity.
- The national currency of Panama is Balboa (PAB).
- In 2018, the World Bank estimated the GDP of Panama was 65.055 billion USD.
- According to estimates by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Panama was 80th on the list of countries with the highest GDP (PPP) in 2019.
- The country of Panama covers 29,119 square miles.
- Panama is the 116th largest country by square miles.
- The largest city in Panama is Panama City.
- The highest point in Panama is Volcán Barú, an active volcano at 11,401 feet.
- The longest river in Panama is the Chucunaque River at 144 miles long.
- The largest lake in Panama is Gatun Lake at 164 square miles.
- The government of Panama is a unitary presidential constitutional republic.
- Panama is divided into 10 provinces.
- Drivers in Panama drive on the right side of the road.
- The country calling code for Panama is +507.
- The ISO 3166 code for Panama is PA.
- The national anthem of Panama is called “Himno Istmeño”.
- It’s estimated that 63.2% of the people living in Panama are Roman Catholic.
Find More Facts About Panama
- Panama – Nat Geo Kids – Learn more about Panama and get more Panama facts for kids on the National Geographic for Kids website.
- Panama – CIA World Factbook – Find more facts about Panama on the CIA World Factbook website.
- Panama – Wikipedia – Discover more cool facts about Panama on the Wikipedia website.