Facts about Amethyst

In this section you’ll learn about Amethyst. You’ll learn everything there is about this special item, the different Amethyst types and other facts about Amethyst.

Facts about Amethyst

Mouth Facts for Kids

This mouth facts for kids article will explain many things about the human mouth and it’s various parts. Keep reading to learn about the human body and the oral cavity.

Mouth Facts for Kids

Artichoke Facts for Kids

In this article you will learn about artichoke facts for kids and even adults can enjoy it. We try and show you as many artichoke facts as possible. Read on to learn about artichokes and their Facts for Kids

Artichoke Facts for Kids

Grenada Facts for Kids

Country Name: GrenadaContinent: North AmericaCapital city: Saint George’sPrimary Language: EnglishPopulation: 112,003 (as of 2019)Currency: Eastern Caribbean dollarGDP: 1.211B An island country in the Caribbean Sea’s West Indies, Grenada is home

Grenada Facts for Kids

Zinc Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about zinc. You’ll learn what its symbol is, the atomic number for zinc, the atomic weight of zinc and other facts about zinc.

Zinc Facts for Kids

Waterfall Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about waterfalls. You’ll learn what a waterfall is. How a waterfall forms by erosion. What are the different types of waterfalls and other facts about waterfalls.

Waterfall Facts for Kids

Velociraptor Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the Velociraptor, a dinosaur that lived around 71 to 75 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. You’ll learn how long they lived, what their diet was like, how big they could get, what their habitat was like and other facts about the Velociraptor.

Velociraptor Facts for Kids

Venus Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the planet Venus. You’ll learn how far Venus is from the Sun, how big Venus is, how long ago Venus formed and other facts about the planet Venus.

Venus Facts for Kids

Vaccine Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about vaccines. You’ll learn who invented the first vaccine and how vaccines are given. If vaccines are safe for children. How vaccines save lives and other facts about vaccines.

Vaccine Facts for Kids

USA Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the United States. You’ll learn where the USA is, the current population of the USA, what language is spoken and other USA facts.

USA Facts for Kids

Uranus Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the planet Uranus . You’ll learn how far Uranus is from the Sun, how big Uranus is, how long ago Uranus formed and other facts about the planet Uranus .

Uranus Facts for Kids

Types of Dinosaurs

In this section you’ll learn about the different types of dinosaurs. Paleontologists have discovered thousands of dinosaur species over the years, in this section you’ll learn how paleontologists classify the different types of dinosaurs that have been discovered and other cool facts about dinos.

Types of Dinosaurs

Triceratops Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the Triceratops, a dinosaur that lived around 68 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. You’ll learn how long they lived, what their diet was like, how big they could get, what their habitat was like and other facts about the Triceratops.

Triceratops Facts for Kids

Tyrannosaurus Rex Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a dinosaur that lived around 66 to 68 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. You’ll learn how long they lived, what their diet was like, how big they could get, what their habitat was like and other Tyrannosaurus Rex facts.

Tyrannosaurus Rex Facts for Kids

Tomato Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about tomatoes. You’ll learn what a tomato is, what are the health benefits of tomatoes, what nutrients tomatoes have and other facts about tomatoes.

Tomato Facts for Kids

Train Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the trains. You’ll learn who invented the first train and how trains work. The different types of train engines available today and other facts about trains.

Train Facts for Kids

Titanic Facts For Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the RMS Titanic and its tragic sinking. You’ll learn where the wreck site is. Who built the it. What it was built for. How it sunk and other facts about the RMS Titanic.

Titanic Facts For Kids

Telephone Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the telephone. You’ll learn who invented the telephone and how telephones work. The different types of telephone technologies and other facts about telephones.

Telephone Facts for Kids

Tin Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about tin. You’ll learn what its symbol is, the atomic number for tin, the atomic weight of tin and other tin facts.

Tin Facts for Kids

Pantheon Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the Pantheon in Rome, Italy. You’ll learn where it’s located. Who built the it. What it was built for. How many people visit it and other facts about the Pantheon.

Pantheon Facts for Kids

Telegraph Facts for Kids

In this section you’ll learn about the telegraph. You’ll learn who invented the telegraph and how the telegraph works. How the telegraph changed communications and other facts about the telegraph.

Telegraph Facts for Kids