28 Red Orb Spider Facts

Where do the red orb spiders live? How do orb spiders’ prey? What do orb spiders eat? This article will provide you with the details about the Red Orb Spider facts.

Orb Weaver Spiders are well-known for spinning webs in the shape of balls. That’s where they got their name from. There are around three thousand different species that fall under this category of the spider.

Particularly notable are the members of the subfamily Agrippina which are garden spiders. They are beautifully colored and can be found in grassy areas; their coloration can vary from yellow and black to red and black.

Let’s have a look at some fascinating Red Orb Spider facts.

Facts about Red Orb Spiders

1. The legs of orb weavers can be hairy or spiked, and they can be any of several different colors.

2. These spiders are well-known for their distinctive shoulder humps, which are located on their bellies.

3. They are elongated in every way, from their torso to their arms. Their bodies are typically less than 2 inches long.

4. The Garden Orb-Weaver spider is among the most widespread forms. Both sexes of the Garden Orb Weaver are about the same width (1.5–2 cm). However, the females are slightly larger.

5. The Araneidae family includes orb-weavers. When it comes to size and appearance, the Araneidae family, which consists of the Orb-weaver spiders, is one of the most varied.

6. There are roughly 170 different genera, each of which has numerous species.

7. The family level is utilized to categorize this spider because each species has a specific name.

8. You will find these spiders in every region of the globe. They are a species that has spread around the world and may have environmental preferences.

9. They populate nearly every continent on Earth, with the exception of a few tiny islands. Antarctica is one region you won’t find them in.

10. Orb Weaving Spiders live in coastal dune shrubland, mangroves, and dry open forests.

28 Red Orb Spider Facts


11. The Orb Weaver feeds solely on meat. The spider eats insects like bugs, moths, beetles, wasps, or mosquitoes.

12. If frogs or hummingbirds come close enough, more enormous spiders can also catch them.

13. The elaborate webs and bright red hue of the Red Orb spider set it apart from other species.

14. Spiders of this species prefer to construct their webs in aquatic vegetation.

15. In some circles, it is also referred to as the Nephilim with red legs.

16. With this population, the females eventually become more visible and influential than the males.

17. A guy would go in search of a female while staying out of her web. Many species target males who are weaker or older, preventing them from reproducing.

18. When it comes to laying eggs, every species has its own quirks. After mating, it’s not unheard of for a female to consume one of them as her first meal of the day.

19. The Orb Weaver is a target for many different types of birds. The Sphecidae family of wasps also includes predatory species.

20. The spider will be frozen for later use as a food source for the developing young.

28 Red Orb Spider Facts


21. There is a strong emphasis on web building by this spider. It maintains a stationary position within the web while it waits for its victim to become entangled in the sticky strands.

22. The spider bites its prey to render it unconscious once it has captured it. After that, it encases its prey in silk.

23. Spiders like orb weavers only come out at night to eat. Nighttime is when many creatures construct or fix their webs.

24. It’s common for some species of Orb Weaver spiders to destroy their webs in the morning, with some even going so far as to ingest a good portion of the silk.

25. This intriguing behavior can absorb dew that has been collected on the web.

26. The spider and its victim sit in the web, waiting for the other to become entangled.

27. The spider knows all the good places to hide, like inside a bundle of leaves or a tree branch, if it ever decides to leave its web.

28. This spider has glands that exude strands. They spray the web’s framework and inner threads with thick fibers.

28 Red Orb Spider Facts


Orb spiders are common in the wild, and they are in many different types. These spiders vary in terms of colors, sizes, and body features.

The elaborate webs and bright red hue of the Red Orb spider set it apart from other species.

Spiders of this species prefer to construct their webs in aquatic vegetation. In some circles, we refer it to as the Nephilim with red legs.

Hope this article has all the relevant and interesting facts you were looking for. Stay connected for more facts articles on different topics.