Egg Facts for Kids

A Picture of a Basket of Eggs
  • Name: Egg, Eggs
  • Type of Food: Meat
  • Produced From: Birds
  • Total Calories: 72 (50 grams serving)
  • Total Fat: 5 grams (50 grams serving)
  • Total Protein: 6 grams (50 grams serving)
  • Total Carbohydrates: 0.6 grams (50 grams serving)

27 Egg Facts for Kids

  1. An egg is an organic vessel laid by various female animals.
  2. An egg is comprised of an eggshell, egg white (albumen) and egg yolk (vitellus).
  3. Eggs have been eaten by humans for thousands of years.
  4. Eggs that are eaten by humans typically come from birds, like chickens, ducks and geese.
  5. Humans generally eat the egg white and egg yolk; the eggshell is discarded.
  6. The mass production of chicken eggs is a worldwide industry.
  7. In 2017, the mass production of chicken eggs produced around 88 million tons of eggs.
  8. In 2017, China was the largest producer of chicken eggs with around 34 million tons of eggs.
  9. In January 2019, egg factories in the United States produced over 9.4 billion eggs.
  10. One large egg contains 70 calories.
  11. One large egg contains 5 grams of fat.
  12. One large egg contains 185 milligrams of cholesterol.
  13. One large egg contains 70 milligrams of sodium.
  14. One large egg contains 6 grams of protein.
  15. One large egg contains 150 milligrams of choline.
  16. One large egg contains no sugar or carbohydrates.
  17. Common egg preparation methods include hard-boiled, fried, omelet, picked, poached and scrambled.
  18. A hard-boiled egg is boiled in water until the egg white and egg yolk solidifies.
  19. A fried egg is an egg cracked open into a frying pan and cooked.
  20. An omelet is made from beaten eggs and cooked with various filings, like cheese, vegetables and meat.
  21. A pickled egg is a hard-boiled egg that is cured in brine or vinegar.
  22. A poached egg is an egg cooked in water with the eggshell removed.
  23. A scrambled egg is a beaten egg cooked in a frying pan.
  24. The largest egg consumed by humans comes from an ostrich.
  25. One of the smallest eggs consumed by humans comes from a quail.
  26. Do you want to know a trick to tell if an egg is raw or hard-boiled? Just spin it on its side, if it spins smoothly it’s hard-boiled, if it wobbles its raw.
  27. You can buy eggs in a wide variety of colors; however the color of the egg is simply a result of the genetics.

Additional Resources on Eggs

  • Benefits of Eggs – Find out how eggs can improve your health on the Incredible Egg website.
  • Eggs – Discover more facts and nutritional information about eggs on the USDA website.
  • Egg as Food – Wikipedia – Learn more about eggs being used as food on the Wikipedia website.