- Name: Asparagus, Garden Asparagus
- Type of Food: Vegetable
- Produced From: Asparagus officinalis
- Total Calories: 3 (one medium spear, 16 grams)
- Total Fat: None (one medium spear, 16 grams)
- Total Protein: None (one medium spear, 16 grams)
- Total Carbohydrates: 1 gram (one medium spear, 16 grams)
27 Asparagus Facts for Kids
- Asparagus is a vegetable consumed by humans.
- Asparagus is the young shoots of the garden asparagus plant (Asparagus officinalis).
- The garden asparagus plant is a perennial flowering plant that can live for up to 15 years.
- It takes about three years from a seed to get your first harvest from a garden asparagus plant.
- Asparagus is genetically related to garlic, leeks and onions.
- Asparagus is commonly green, but there are varieties that are purplish or white.
- White asparagus is obtained by growing it in the dark. The lack of photosynthesis prevents it from turning green.
- Purple asparagus is a variant that was developed in Italy.
- Purple asparagus has higher amounts of sugar and lower amounts of fiber.
- Asparagus is known for giving excreted urine a unique and foul smell. This is due to the asparagusic acid found in asparagus. When your body digests asparagusic acid it’s broken down into sulfur-containing compounds.
- According to FAOSTAT, the world produced over 10 million tons of asparagus in 2018.
- According to FAOSTAT, the largest producer of asparagus in 2018 was China with over 8.7 million tons.
- Based on FAOSTAT data, China produced 87% of the world’s asparagus supply in 2018.
- 93% of the composition of asparagus is water.
- Asparagus can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled or fried.
- Asparagus is common in many different food dishes to add flavor and color.
- One medium asparagus spear (16 grams) contains 3 calories.
- One medium asparagus spear (16 grams) contains no fat.
- One medium asparagus spear (16 grams) contains no cholesterol.
- One medium asparagus spear (16 grams) contains no sodium.
- One medium asparagus spear (16 grams) contains 1 gram of carbohydrates.
- One medium asparagus spear (16 grams) contains no protein.
- One medium asparagus spear (16 grams) contains 4 milligrams of calcium.
- One medium asparagus spear (16 grams) contains 33 milligrams of potassium.
- An Egyptian frieze that depicted asparagus was discovered and dated to 3,000 BC.
- Oceana County in the U.S State of Michigan hosts an annual festival known as the National Asparagus Festival.
- According to the Guinness World Records, the longest asparagus was 138.5 inches long. This record was set on October 2nd, 2004 by Harry and Carson Willemse in Canada.
Pictures of Asparagus

A picture of asparagus growing in the ground.Credit: Ghetty Images

A picture of asparagus being harvested by a farmer.Credit: Ghetty Images

A picture of a farmer holding harvested asparagus.Credit: Ghetty Images

A picture of the three different types of asparagus.Credit: Ghetty Images

A close-up picture of purple asparagus spears.Credit: Ghetty Images

A close-up picture of white asparagus spears.Credit: Ghetty Images
Additional Resources on Asparagus
- Asparagus Nutrition Facts – Discover the nutritional facts about asparagus on the USDA SNAP-Ed Connection website.
- The Health Benefits of Asparagus – Learn about the history and health benefits of Asparagus on the WebMD website.
- How to Grow Asparagus – Find out how you can grow asparagus in your garden on the Good Housekeeping website.
- Asparagus – Wikipedia – Read more asparagus facts on the Wikipedia website.