- Name: Apple, Apples
- Type of Food: Fruit
- Produced From: Apple trees
- Total Calories: 95 (182 grams serving)
- Total Fat: 0.3 grams (182 grams serving)
- Total Protein: 0.5 grams (182 grams serving)
- Total Carbohydrates: 25 grams (128 grams serving)
32 Apple Facts for Kids
- An apple is a food cultivated (grown) and eaten by humans.
- Archeologists has discovered evidence that indicates humans were eating apples as far back as 6500 BC.
- Apples are a member of the Malus genus.
- An apple is a fruit and grows on an apple tree.
- Apples are sweet and come in a wide variety of colors.
- Apples can be red, green, yellow, pink or a combination of these colors.
- An apple can be as small as a golf ball and as large as a grapefruit.
- Apples are healthy and provide the human body with important nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
- The smallest apple grown for consumption is the Rockit apple.
- The largest apple grown for consumption is the Hokuto apple.
- There are over 7,500 varieties of apples grown worldwide.
- It can take between four and ten years before an apple tree can produce fruit (apples).
- In 2017, over 91 million tons of apples were produced worldwide.
- In 2017, the largest producer of apples was China and they produced over 45.5 million tons of apples.
- A medium size apple contains 95 calories.
- A medium size apple contains 19 grams of sugar.
- A medium size apple contains 0.5 grams of protein.
- A medium size apple contains 0.3 grams of total fat.
- A medium size apple contains no sodium or cholesterol.
- A bushel of apples weighs about 47 pounds and contains around 125 medium size apples.
- Apple juice and apple cidar are popular fruit juices made from macerated and pressed apples.
- It takes around 36 apples to create on gallon of apple cider.
- Apple seeds eaten in large amounts can cause adverse reactions in the human body.
- Apple seeds contain a small amount of amygdalin, which is a compound that contains sugar and cyanide.
- There has never been a recorded case of a human dying from eating to many apple seeds.
- Apples float in water, because their density is less than water itself.
- Apple bobbing is a game played on Halloween, apples are placed in a tub of water and players try to capture an apple using only their teeth.
- It’s said that Isaac Newton came up with his theory on gravity by watching an apple fall from a tree.
- John Chapman is also known as Johnny Appleseed in the United States. Chapman was given this nickname because he introduced apples to several U.S. states.
- The branch of botany related to the study of apples is pomology.
- A person who studies pomology is a pomologist.
- According to the Guinness World Records, the largest apple ever harvested weighed 4 pounds and 1 ounce. It was harvested on October 24th, 2005 by Chisato Iwasaki at his apple farm.
Pictures of Apple

A picture of pink crisp apples.Credit: Jewel-Osco

A picture of granny smith apples.Credit: Jewel-Osco

A picture of fuji apples.Credit: Jewel-Osco

A picture of an apple tree.Credit: Migimatronica / flickr

A picture of a slice of apple pie.Credit: Dennis Dahn / flickr

A picture of apples in the store.Credit: Laurie Lane / flickr
Additional Resources on Apples
- The Benefits of Apples – Find out how apples can benefit your health on the Live Science website.
- Apples – Discover more facts and nutritional information about apples on the USDA website.
- Apple – Wikipedia – Learn more about apples on the Wikipedia website.