- Name: Potassium
- Symbol: K
- Atomic Number: 19
- Atomic Weight: 39.0983 u
- Period: 4
- Group: 1
25 Potassium Facts for Kids
- Potassium is a chemical element on the periodic table.
- Potassium is a soft metal that has a silvery-white color.
- Potassium was first discovered and isolated by Cornish chemist and inventor Humphry Davy in 1807.
- Potassium at room temperature is a solid.
- The symbol for potassium is K.
- The atomic number for potassium is 19.
- The standard atomic weight of calcium is 39.0983 u.
- Potassium is in the alkaline earth metal group on the periodic table.
- Potassium is a period 4 chemical element, which is the fourth row on the periodic table.
- Potassium is a group 1 chemical element, which is the lithium group.
- Potassium has three naturally occurring isotopes and they are 39K, 40K and 41K.
- The melting point for potassium is 143.6 °F (63.5 °C).
- The boiling point for potassium is 1,032 °F (759 °C).
- All living cells need potassium ions to function.
- Potassium is a vital electrolyte in the human body.
- Foods that contain potassium are fish, meats and vegetables.
- Foods that contain high levels of potassium are avocados, bananas, bran, milk and soybeans.
- There are many potassium compounds used for industrial purposes, and some that are produced by the megatons annually are potassium carbonate, potassium chloride, potassium hydroxide and potassium sulfate.
- There are quite a few potassium compounds that are used in food.
- The compound potassium sodium tartrate is the main component of baking powder.
- The compound potassium bromate is used to increase the strength of dough and improve its rise height.
- The compound potassium bisulfite is used as a food preservative in beverages, like wine and beer.
- The compound potassium chloride can be used to treat low blood pressure (Hypokalemia).
- Potassium is a common element in plant fertilizers.
- Potassium got its name from the Middle Dutch word “potash”.
Additional Resources on Potassium
- Potassium – RSC – Discover more facts about the chemical element sodium on the Royal Society of Chemistry website.
- Potassium – JLabs – Learn about the chemical element sodium on the Jefferson Science Education website.
- Potassium – NIH – Find more cool sodium facts on the National Institute of Health website.
- Potassium – Wikipedia – Explore the Wikipedia website to learn more about the chemical element potassium.