Boron Facts for Kids

Boron Periodic Table
  • Name: Boron
  • Symbol: B
  • Atomic Number: 5
  • Atomic Weight: 10.811 u
  • Period: 2
  • Group: 13

29 Boron Facts for Kids

  1. Boron is a chemical element on the periodic table.
  2. Boron was isolated and discovered in 1808 by Cornish chemist Sir Humphry Davy and separately by French chemists Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Louis Jacques Thénard.
  3. Boron is a solid at room temperature.
  4. The symbol for boron is B.
  5. The atomic number for boron is 5.
  6. The standard atomic weight for boron is 10.811 u.
  7. Boron is in the metalloid element category on the periodic table.
  8. Boron is a period 2 chemical element, which is the second row on the periodic table.
  9. Boron is a group 13 chemical element, which is the boron group.
  10. Boron has two stable isotopes.
  11. The two stable boron isotopes are 11B and 10B.
  12. The melting point for boron is 3,769 °F (2,076 °C).
  13. The boiling point for boron is 7,101 °F (3,927 °C).
  14. Boron is a rare element in both our Solar System and the Universe.
  15. Boron is only produced by supernovas (exploding star) and cosmic ray spallation.
  16. Boron is mined from borate minerals found in the Earth’s crust.
  17. Boron has the highest melting and boiling point of all the metalloids on the periodic table.
  18. Turkey has the largest known deposits of boron in the world.
  19. It’s estimated that Turkey holds around 72% of the world’s known deposits of boron.
  20. The United States of America has the second largest known deposits o boron in the world.
  21. Boron is used in nuclear reactors to control the fission rate.
  22. Boron fibers are a structural material used in aircrafts and spacecrafts.
  23. Around 50% of the boron used annually is for insulation (fiberglass) and structural materials.
  24. Borax, a compound containing boron, is a common ingredient in household laundry and cleaning products.
  25. Borosilicate glass, a compound containing boron, is used to make laboratory glassware and cookware.
  26. Boron carbide, a compound containing boron, is used in bulletproof vests and tank armor.
  27. Boric acid, a compound containing boron, is an effective insecticide against cockroaches, ants and fleas.
  28. Boron produces a green flame when burned and is a common component in pyrotechnics and fireworks.
  29. Plants need boron to help maintain the integrity of their cell walls, making it an essential nutrient to plants.

Additional Resources on the Chemical Element Boron

  • The Element Boron – Find more boron facts and information on the Jefferson Labs website.
  • Boron Facts – Discover more facts about boron on the Royal Society of Chemistry website.
  • Boron, A Micronutrient – An article by Lara Pizzorno on the National Institute of Health about boron in the human body.
  • Boron – Wikipedia – Learn more about the chemical element boron on the Wikipedia website.