Copper Facts for Kids

Copper Periodic Table
  • Name: Copper
  • Symbol: Cu
  • Atomic Number: 29
  • Atomic Weight: 63.546 u
  • Period: 4
  • Group: 11

27 Copper Facts for Kids

  1. Copper is a chemical element on the periodic table.
  2. Copper was discovered in the Middle East around 9000 BC.
  3. The discovery of copper by ancient human civilizations started the Copper Age.
  4. The color of pure cooper is a pinkish-orange.
  5. Copper is a soft metal that is malleable.
  6. Copper is a solid at room temperature.
  7. The symbol for copper is Cu.
  8. The atomic number for copper is 29.
  9. The standard atomic weight for copper is 63.546 u.
  10. Copper is in the transition metal element category on the periodic table.
  11. Copper is a period 4 chemical element, which is the fourth row on the periodic table.
  12. Copper is a group 11 chemical element, which is the copper group.
  13. Copper has two stable isotopes.
  14. The two stable copper isotopes are 63Cu and 65Cu.
  15. Copper has 27 radioisotopes and the most stable radioisotope is 67Cu.
  16. The melting point for copper is 1,984.32 °F (1,084.62 °C).
  17. The boiling point for copper is 4,643 °F (2,562 °C).
  18. In 2017, Chile was the leading producer of copper with over 5.5 million tons.
  19. The largest copper mine in the world is the Escondida copper mine in Chile.
  20. Humans have been mining copper for about 10,000 years, but over 95% of all the copper that has been mined and smelted was recovered after 1900.
  21. Peak copper is the moment when the production rate of copper peaks and cannot increase.
  22. All living organisms need traces of copper in their diet.
  23. The average adult human has between 1.4 and 2.1 milligrams of copper per 2.2 pounds of body weight.
  24. Copper is the standard metal used in electrical wiring, due to its excellent electrical conductivity.
  25. Copper is the standard metal used in water line supply lines, due to its superior corrosion resistance.
  26. Copper is used in cookware and conducts heat five times better than iron and twenty times better than stainless steel.
  27. Copper can be recycled repeatedly; it’s estimated that about 80% of the copper ever mined is still available.
  28. There are quite a few copper alloys that have antimicrobial properties.

Additional Resources on the Chemical Element Copper

  • About Copper – Discover more uses for copper on the Copper Alliance website.
  • Copper – Cu – Learn more about the chemical element copper on the Royal Society of Chemistry website.
  • Copper Element Facts – Read more copper facts and information on the Chemicool website.
  • Copper – Wikipedia – Explore the uses and history of copper on the Wikipedia website.