Earth Facts for Kids

A Picture of the Planet Earth
  • Planet Name: Earth
  • Type of Planet: Terrestrial planet
  • Solar System Region: Inner Solar System
  • Distance from the Sun: 91,000,000 miles (perihelion) to 94,500,000 miles (aphelion)
  • Time to Orbit Around the Sun: 1 Earth year (365.256 days)
  • Moons (natural satellites): 1
  • Total Surface Area: 196,940,000 square miles

17 Earth Facts for Kids

  1. The planet Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago.
  2. The planet Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun.
  3. Earth is a terrestrial planet.
  4. Earth is the fifth largest planet in our Solar System.
  5. The radius of the planet Earth is 3,959 miles.
  6. Earth’s perihelion (closest) distance to the Sun is 91 million miles.
  7. Earth’s aphelion (farthest) distance to the Sun is 94.5 million miles.
  8. Light from our Solar System’s Sun takes only eight minutes to reach Earth.
  9. It takes Earth one year (365.256 days) to complete an orbit around the sun.
  10. The Earth has one moon (natural satellite).
  11. The Earth’s moon is over 238 thousand miles away.
  12. Earth’s shape is an oval-shaped ellipse.
  13. The planet Earth has no rings.
  14. Earth has four main layers. The curst, mantle, outer core and inner core.
  15. The atmosphere of Earth contains nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and the last 1% is made up of argon, carbon dioxide and neon.
  16. Earth is the only planet in our Solar System known to harbor life now or in the past.
  17. About 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, however only 3% of it is fresh water.

Additional Resources on the Planet Earth