- Planet Name: Mercury
- Type of Planet: Terrestrial planet
- Solar System Region: Inner Solar System
- Distance from the Sun: 28,500,000 miles (perihelion) to 43,500,000 miles (aphelion)
- Time to Orbit Around the Sun: About 88 Earth days
- Moons (natural satellites): 0
- Total Surface Area: 28,950,180 square miles (0.147 Earths)
16 Mercury Facts for Kids
- The planet Mercury formed about 4.5 billion years ago.
- The planet Mercury was first observed via a telescope in the 17th century by Galileo Galilei and Thomas Harriot.
- The planet Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
- Mercury is a terrestrial planet.
- Mercury is the smallest planet in our Solar System.
- Mercury is the second densest planet in our Solar System.
- Mercury’s gravity is 62% weaker than Earth’s gravity.
- The radius of the planet Mercury is 1,516 miles.
- Mercury’s perihelion (closest) distance to the Sun is 28.5 million miles.
- Mercury’s aphelion (farthest) distance to the Sun is 43.5 million miles.
- Light from our Solar System’s Sun takes a little over three minutes to reach Mercury.
- It takes Mercury 88 Earth days to complete an orbit around the Sun.
- Mercury has no known moons (natural satellites).
- The planet Mercury has no rings.
- Mercury doesn’t have an atmosphere. It has a thin exosphere. Its exosphere contains helium, hydrogen, sodium, oxygen and potassium.
- The conditions on Mercury make it virtually impossible for life to evolve as we know it.
Pictures of the Planet Mercury
A picture of the planet Mercury taken by the Messenger probe in 2008.Credit: NASA
A colorful picture of the planet Mercury from the Messenger probe in 2008.Credit: NASA
One of the first pictures of the planet Mercury from Mariner 10 in 1974.Credit: NASA
Additional Resources on the Planet Mercury
- Planet Mercury: Facts About the Planet Closest to the Sun – Find more Mercury facts for kids on the Space.com website.
- Overview | Mercury – NASA Solar System Exploration – Learn more about the planet Mercury on the NASA website.
- Interesting Facts About Mercury – Explore some interesting facts about Mercury on the Universe Today website.