Trix (RGM 792.000)

Trix (RGM 792.000) Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Species: Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Catalog Number: RGM 792.000
  • Discovered on: May 27th, 2013
  • Discovered by: Blaine and Michele Lunstad
  • Discovered at: Hell Creek Formation in Montana, U.S.
  • Bulk Recovered: 75% and 80%

9 Trix (RGM 792.000) Tyrannosaurus Rex Facts

  1. Trix is the nickname for a famous Tyrannosaurs Rex fossil specimen.
  2. Trix was discovered by two amateur paleontologists, Blaine and Michele Lunstad on May 27th, 2013, at the Hell Creek Formation, Montana in the United States of America.
  3. The nickname for RGM 792.000 (“Trix”) is an allusion to T-rex and the former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.
  4. An estimated 75 to 85% of Trix’s bulk recovered during excavation.
  5. Trix is the 3rd most complete Tyrannosaurus rex fossil specimen in the world, after Stan (BHI 3033) and Sue (FMHN PR 2081).
  6. Trix was excavated by paleontologists from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Netherlands.
  7. The official catalog number for Trix is RGM 792.000.
  8. Trix was first displayed to the public in Leiden, Netherlands, on September 10th, 2016.
  9. Trix is the oldest known Tyrannosaurus rex fossil specimen, estimated to have been over 30 years old when it died.

Additional Resources on Trix (RGM 792.000)