Stan (BHI 3033)

Stan (BHI 3033) Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Species: Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Catalog Number: BHI 3033
  • Discovered on: Spring of 1987
  • Discovered by: Stan Sacrison
  • Discovered at: Hell Creek Formation in South Dakota, U.S.
  • Bulk Recovered: +70%

10 Stan (BHI 3033) Tyrannosaurus Rex Facts

  1. Stan is the nickname for a famous Tyrannosaurs Rex fossil specimen.
  2. Stan was discovered by Stan Sacrison, an amateur paleontologist in the Spring of 1987, at the Hell Creek Formation, South Dakota in the United States of America.
  3. As of 2019, Stan is the 5th most complete Tyrannosaurs Rex fossil specimen.
  4. An estimated 70% of the bulk of Stan was recovered during excavation and recovery.
  5. The skull of Stan is believed to be the best Tyrannosaurs Rex skull ever recovered.
  6. The official catalog number for Stan is BHI 3033.
  7. Stan was 42 feet (12.8 meters) long and estimated to have weighed 6 tons (5.4 metric tons).
  8. Based on Stan’s narrow pelvis, paleontologists are confident that Stan was a male Tyrannosaurs Rex.
  9. More than 30,000 hours were spent by the Black Hills Institute to get Stan ready for display.
  10. More than 60 casts of Stan have been made and are displayed in museums around the world.

Additional Resources on Stan (BHI 3033)