Moth Facts for Kids

A Picture of a Moth
  • Common Name: Moth
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Order: Lepidoptera
  • Total Species: 160,000+

15 Moth Facts for Kids

  1. Moths are a flying insect that belong to the Lepidoptera order.
  2. It’s estimated there are 160,000 species of months worldwide, with many species yet to be described.
  3. A Moth is not butterfly, the difference between a moth and a butterfly is vague. Moths antennas are usually feathery and don’t have a ball on the end.
  4. There are far more species of moths than butterflies. There are nine species of moths for every one butterfly species.
  5. Most moth species are nocturnal (active at night), but some are considered crepuscular (active during twilight) and diurnal (active during the day).
  6. Moths are great at avoiding predators by mimicking other insects, like praying mantises, tarantulas and wasps.
  7. There are some species of flowers that heavily depend on moths for pollination.
  8. A female moth can produce anywhere between 40 and 1,000 eggs in a lifetime.
  9. Some species of moths are considered pests. The corn borer or bollworm is moth larva that can damage crops. Some moth larva can eat fabric and damage clothing.
  10. Moth balls are used to protect clothing from moth larva.
  11. The gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) has a range that extends to Africa, Europe and North America.
  12. The hummingbird moth (Hemaris thysbe) is often confused with a hummingbird due to its appearance and behavior.
  13. The adult luna moth (Actias luna) doesn’t have a mouth to feed, an adult luna moth lives about a week. With the sole purpose to mate and/or lay eggs.
  14. The cerocpia moth (Hyalophora cecropia) is the largest native moth in North America. Female cerocpia moths have been recorded with a wingspan between 5 and 7 inches.
  15. A male giant silkworm moth can detect a female up to seven miles away.

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