This web page contains agriculture facts for kids and is an excellent resource for anyone of any age looking to learn about agriculture. Our goal is to provide you with accurate, up to date facts about agriculture. In addition to facts about agriculture, we provide additional resources to help you with your research on society changing science.
The agriculture facts below will help you learn about when humans started agriculture, the different types of agriculture, how agriculture changed human society and other agriculture related facts. We hope these agriculture facts are interesting and help you learn more about this important science.
If any of the below agriculture facts are inaccurate, please contact us and let us know.
22 Agriculture Facts for Kids
- Agriculture is the art and science of growing plants and raising animals.
- The rise of agriculture allowed humans to practice sedentism (living in one place).
- The practice of humans growing food and raising animals began around 11,500 years ago.
- Human civilizations began the practice of agriculture independently across the globe.
- Emmer wheat was one of the first plants domesticated for agriculture uses.
- Pigs are one of the first animals domesticated for agriculture uses.
- Plants that are grown for food or other uses are known as crops. A few examples of crops are corn, potatoes, rice, soybeans, tomatoes and wheat.
- Animals that are raised for food or other uses are known as livestock. A few examples of livestock are cattle, chickens, cows, pigs, sheep and turkeys.
- Agriculture, for both crops and livestock, is typically practiced on a farm.
- A farm is a land area devoted to growing crops and/or raising livestock.
- A farm can be as small as 2.5 acres (family owned) or as large as 22.5 million acres (corporation owned).
- A farm that operates under the monoculture system only grows one type of crop or raises only one type of livestock on that farm.
- There are many different types of specialty farms that focus on one class of agriculture.
- A few examples of specialty farms are dairy farms, pig farms and poultry farms.
- A dairy farm is a class of agriculture where milk is collected from livestock, like cows and goats.
- A pork farm is a class of agriculture where pork products are obtained from pigs.
- A poultry farm is a class of agriculture where poultry products (eggs, meat, etc.) are obtained from avian, like chickens, ducks and turkeys.
- Subsistence farming is a type of agriculture where crops are grown and/or livestock is raised to meet the needs of one family or a local area. It’s estimated that 60% of the earth’s arable land (land where you can grow crops) was used for subsistence farming in 2018.
- Intensive farming is a type of industrial agriculture where the productivity of the land is maximized. Industrial farming is usually defined by low fallow ratio and a high use of inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.).
- Organic farming is a type of agriculture were crops are grown with natural fertilizers and biological pest control. Natural fertilizers include sources like bone meal and manure. The concept of biological pest control is to use one living organism to control another.
- A vineyard is where grapes are grown on vines.
- An orchard is where fruits and nuts are grown on trees or shrubs.
Pictures of Agriculture

Additional Resources About Agriculture
- Sustainable Argiculture – Discover sustainable Agricultureand how it can benefit humans on the UCDavis website.
- Agriculture- NatGeo – Learn all about the science of Agricultureon the National Geographic website.
- Origins of Argiculture – Explore the Britannica website to learn about the origins of argiculture.
- Agriculture- Wikipedia – Read more about Agricultureand its history on the Wikipedia website.