Chlorine Facts for Kids

Chlorine Periodic Table
  • Name: Chlorine
  • Symbol: Cl
  • Atomic Number: 17
  • Atomic Weight: 35.453 u
  • Period: 3
  • Group: 17

21 Chlorine Facts for Kids

  1. Chlorine is a chemical element on the periodic table.
  2. Chlorine was first discovery and isolated in 1774 by German-Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele.
  3. Chlorine was identified as a chemical element in 1809 by Cornish chemist Sir Humphry Davy.
  4. Chlorine is a gas at room temperature.
  5. Chlorine has a yellow-green color when at room tempature.
  6. The symbol for chlorine is Cl.
  7. The atomic number for chlorine is 17.
  8. The standard atomic weight for carbon is 35.453 u.
  9. Chlorine is in the reactive nonmetal element category of the periodic table.
  10. Chlorine is a period 3 chemical element, which is the third row of the periodic table.
  11. Chlorine is a group 17 chemical element, which is the halogens group.
  12. Chlorine has two stable isotopes.
  13. The two stable chlorine isotopes are 35Cl and 37Cl.
  14. The melting point for chlorine is -150.7 °F (-101.5 °C).
  15. The boiling point for chlorine is -29.27 °F (-34.04 °C).
  16. Chlorine is the 21st most abundant chemical element found in the Earth’s crust.
  17. The most common chlorine element found on Earth is sodium chloride (salt).
  18. Chlorine is used to purify water, like drinking water, wastewater and pool water.
  19. Chlorine is used as a disinfectant in many different house cleaning products.
  20. Chlorine gas is toxic to humans and can damage the eyes, skin and respiratory system.
  21. Chlorine gas was used as a chemical weapon during World War 1.

Additional Resources on the Chemical Element Chlorine

  • What is Chlorine? – Learn what chlorine is and what it is used for on the American Chemistry Council website.
  • Facts About Chlorine – Discover more amazing facts about chlorine on the Live Science website.
  • Chlorine Facts – Find more important facts about chlorine on the CDC website.
  • Chlorine – Britannica – Read about chlorine, its uses and functions on the Britannica website.